Sunday 13th February 2011:
Just finished redesigning and uploading the beginning of the new web site. It’s very time consuming and I’d forgotten so much of what to do - that’s old age for you. I need to find some more photos that I can put up, but they’ll have to be complimentary to the others otherwise they’ll be going “you can take that off NOW”!!
Wednesday 16th February 2011:
What a hectic start to the week! I did a 19 hour shift Monday through the night into Tuesday and yesterday TPB did a 13 hour day door to door.
Thursday 16th February 2011:
Went to see The King’s Speech last night. First visit by the two of us to the cinema in about 10 years and isn’t it expensive?! Very good film though and today I spent an hour on Wikipedia swatting up on that period of history and filling in the blanks.
Saturday 20th February 2011:
Crikey - didn’t Crawley do well? Still at least we’re in the draw for the next round which is more than can be said for Chelsea.....
Friday 25th February 2011:
What a miserable week for the weather its been for half term. The one good thing was lots of lay ins!
Tuesday 1st March 2011:
We started work on ripping out the bathroom today (toilet and sink). My mate Chiefy was employed to do the job. As we only have the one toilet it was vital we had a working one again by evening.....and we did.
Thursday 3rd March 2011:
Chiefy had done the deed and everything is working perfectly. Still lots of finishing off for me to do.
Friday 4th March 2011:
My THIRD trip to the dentist in three weeks. First I had a tooth out followed by two filling and now I need a root filling. That’s scheduled for Monday. The bill is enormous.....